theorem of momentum

英 [ˈθɪərəm ɒv məˈmentəm] 美 [ˈθiːərəm əv moʊˈmentəm]

网络  动量定理; 定理; 动量矩定理



  1. This paper, by using the theory of the movement analytics, makes the theorem of angular momentum extend form the inertial reference frame to the non inertial reference frame.
  2. According to theorem of motion of centre of mass and theorem of moment of momentum about centre of mass, we derive the theorem of moment of momentum about instantaneous center of rotation.
  3. The Application of the Theorem of Moment of Momentum of a Rigid Body Moving in a Plane
  4. Utilizing the theorem of momentum moment, analysed the influence on the posture change of the shank moves to that of the truck in flight phase.
  5. On the Theorem of Moment of Momentum of Relative Instantaneous Centre
  6. The Choice of the Centre of Moment of Momentum in the Theorem of Moment of Momentum
  7. Theorem of momentum quadrature of comparative speed in movement of rigid body
  8. The momentum and the theorem of momentum is one of key in the physics teaching of senior middle school.
  9. The Types of Theorem of Angular Momentum
  10. A theorem of momentum of particle group of the non-inertial reference frame is deduced by applying Newton's second low of motion of non-inertial reference frame.
  11. This paper uses the theorem of the momentum moment to research the self-cleaning force moment of the twisted strip with inlet contrarotation bearing and get its calculation formula.
  12. In the mechanics part of University Physics several laws and theorems are used such as the laws of Newton, the theorem of Momentum, the principal of Conservation of Momentum, the Work-Energy theorem, the law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy etc.
  13. Theorem of angular momentum and couple of inertia force
  14. And the main moment equation is the theorem of moment of momentum, using any moving point as moment center.
  15. Based on the theorem of momentum, the mass equation of special relativity is derived using a simple thought experiment.
  16. The dynamic equations of variable bodies are the applications of the Newton law or the theorem of momentum, which is ambiguous to the students.
  17. Some complex problems can also be solved by using the theorem of momentum of particle group of the non-inertial reference frame.
  18. The Center-of Mass Axis Theorem of Angular Momentum
  19. The Moment of Momentum and the Theorem of Moment of Momentum of a Rigid Body Rotating about a Fixed Axis Derived from the Circular Conical Pendulum
  20. As a special case, the theorem of momentum of particle group of the inertial reference frame is included in the theorem obtained.
  21. Testing the theorem of momentum with changing force
  22. A Further Discussion on the Theorem of the Angular Momentum About the Instantaneous Center of Zero Velocity
  23. Practical examples are used to illustrate the application of the instantaneous acceleration center in dynamics. The solutions to certain problems are greatly simplified by combining the instantaneous acceleration center with the theorem of moment of momentum of relative motion.
  24. A Further Study on the Theorem of Moment of Momentum for Velocity Instantaneous Center
  25. On Theorem of Absolute Angular Momentum
  26. Based on the Bernoulli Equation and theorem of momentum, it calculates the construction sizes of the disc with formula illation and computer program simulation.
  27. Discussion on a Theorem of Angular Momentum about the Non Inertial Reference Frame
  28. Theorem of Angular Momentum for Fixed Axis Rotation
  29. Some Analyses on Application of the Theorem of Momentum
  30. The dynamic model is derived based on the momentum theorem and the moment of momentum theorem for maneuvering ammunition with moving mass control mode.